
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blogging in the Classroom

        As I learn more about blogs and their educational value, I have begun to think about how I might incorporate them into my classroom.  I had heard of blogs before, and even have friends who blog, but I really just thought of them as an online journal of sorts, as a way to vent or write down thoughts and feelings.  I had definitely not considered their value as an educational tool.         Blogs could serve a valuable purpose in my classroom.  I look toward the future and see students researching and analyzing content.  I see them eager to write and comment on my, or other classmates posts.  I see their critical thinking skills improve, as well as their research and writing skills as well.  I would like to start my blogging experience in my classroom by posting links to current event articles or posts and have students read and respond.  Eventually I would like to see my students being the ones to find topics that are of interest to them, and of course are relevant in my class,